Base run in the sun

What great weather we are having in Portland right now! Warm spring days here are always so often, I just wish they were as frequent as they are beautiful. But we take what we get I guess. The sun today inspired me to run despite being a tad bit hungover after playing an Earth Day fundraiser last night. I struggled a bit at first, and my legs are still lingering sore from getting back into regular running. But the soreness isn’t unbearable and goes away as I warm up. So sticking with the run hasn’t been as hard as it seems when I start…

I did a base run today of 10k. My pace was pretty slow, around 10:30 or so. My feet have also been a bit sore as well, I need to toughen them up I guess. It never gets to the point where I can no longer run, but I would really like to get used to the pounding again. Soon it will be back I am sure. Well I guess I had better eat something before tonight’s rehearsal. Otherwise I will definitely poop out.

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