Today I ran for the first time, well, since the last time I wrote. Its been about eight days that I have been dealing with this allergy-esque lung infection. Even with all the swine flu talk in the news, I have been a reluctant to call it by that name. The only symptom I really had was heavily congested lungs and an ugly cough. So I don’t think I managed to get media flu (err, swine flu), but I did manage to get really sick. I got a lot of rest and no running which seemed to help quite a bit. I can even imagine running with this crud, my breathing was really bad.
It was a nice run, though I went pretty slowly (which was fine by me) and took a couple of short walking breaks. Today was the first run this spring where I actually felt hot. Not just running hot, but outside temperature hot. The sun was really bright today. I should spend the day in the yard, but I am going to see Star Trek instead. Apparently I like to do my yard work in the rain…
So before I got sick I had just stopped taking another round of creatine. I like taking it, makes the muscles feel good, but I really seem to put on the pounds. I could feel the extra weight everywhere (maybe it also has to do with the pasta). I am at 193 right now and feel too heavy, time to lose some of this weight and definitely lay off the creatine (but not the pasta!)