Rest day

No run for me today, I’ll be surprised if I get up for one tomorrow as well. Rest days are really important and I don’t mind taking several! Gives the body and mind a chance to normalize and heal. I can’t even imagine the damage that running must cause the body, obviously plenty of good things too, but running has its far share of the bad.

This week at some point I hyper-extended my left knee somehow. Not bad, but I can feel it if I lock my knees and pull my feet back. It didn’t bother my running at all, in fact I never even thought about it much less felt it. Still a rest day or two will be good for this minor injury.

The green drinks keep flowing. I just made one with a zucchini from the garden, the first of the year. I hope it is good as you always have way more of them than you know what to do with. My last batch was hands down the best I have made. I think because I added more yogurt than I have been to use up the container. I also whipped the hell out of it. It was so light and airy. Yum.

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