Portland is experiencing a really hot dry spring/summer. Stuff is blooming in the yard that usually doesn’t happen until the end of summer, the lawn has a golden August glow already. I have been getting my runs in when I can get up early enough to avoid the worst of the heat and I have experienced a modicum of success! yesterday I weighed myself before and after, turned out I was losing a pound of water every mile. I guess it is time to break out the water belt! I have been reluctant as it is falling apart and while it still works ok and I am able to clip it it will soon need to be replaced. IIRC the darn thing was super snug last year (in the only position I can get the belt to stay in), considering that I am not smaller this summer, I am skeptical I can use it in non-muffin top comport.
I am really worried that this heat and dryness we have been dealing with this year is the new normal for us. Have our weather patterns really shifted? Some think so, so think it’s an anomaly. I tend to lie in the latter camp though I think the effects of our existence on earth is a huge contributor if not the absolute cause.
Today’s run was the longest I have done in a couple weeks and the first time I have come in under 10 min miles. I wasn’t pushing it at all (occasionally I would pick up the pace a bit) and I really focussed on not giving into the desire to walk. I kept telling myself that mini-goal marks were just around the corner. I crushed it. But I also sweated a ton which felt really good. But I am rehearsing tonight and a bit concerned that I will be pooped. I have been pushing my rule abut not running on music days because I am finding it a convenient excuse for not running. I have to find a compromise. Actually I have been working on discovering what that is through running shorter distances (4-5 miles as opposed to 8+). I have had mixed results, but some positives have been encouraging.
On the injury front I have little to report, mostly just soreness in the legs, but nothing else glaring; yet, anyway…