I had a good morning run today. As I was waking up and drinking a cup of coffee we got a little rain burst. It didn’t last long, but ti made me think about wearing my Aisics Kayano shoes as they slip in the rain. Since it didn’t last very long (the group barely seemed wet except for some big raindrops) I continued my change of shoe. Well apparently once I got off the hill we live on, it rained pretty hard elsewhere and I skidding along on them.
Speaking of shoes, I wish I hadn’t purchased my new pair of Wave Riders as New Balance just came out with a new shoes designed for Chi Running and the mid-foot strike, the New Balance 800. Ok, I caved. I just ordered a pair I found on clearance. I can always save the Wave Riders for down the road (no pun intended.)
An odd thing happened on my run this morning. I was going alog and all of a sudden I felt this twinge in my back. I have had somethign similair when I was lifting buckets of water out of our goose pond. Fortunately this wasn’t nearly as bad. I hadn’t hit the slippery streets yet, so that wasn’t it. It just happened. So I slowed to a walk and after a half block it felt better, better enough that I could continue my run. For the remainder of my time I focused on relaxing my back and that also seemed to help. I visualized the muscles being loose and relaxed, as if the tension I was now feeling was just slipping away. Ah, the power of the noodle!