I have some light running happening in the next week or so. Family is coming into town and we will all be enjoying our neighborhood festival, the Woodstock Picnic that my wife Ruthann has a huge part in organizing. I’ll actually be doing a lot of running that day, but nothing that I get to log miles for, just running from booth to booth helping out.
My light week got a grand start when I decided not to get up this morning for a run. I got a late finish to my day last night and didn’t get around to do my rebif until after 9:00. I like to give myself an hour after injection before knocking off for bed, but last night I was ready after 30 mins and was out no problem. It was probably a good idea to not run this morning as something is causing my allergies to go haywire. Before I was diagnosed I was convinced (well hopeful anyway) that my issues where allergy related. I noticed that the symptoms I was having (my spells especially) seemed to lessen if I took an antihistimine. I have read things recently that support this, but I also red an article the other day saying just the opposite, figures. Anyway, I took one today for sure.
Ugg, 98 and humid coming up Friday. My mom is gonna love that!
Ewww, I haven’t told you. (for I have been ill for a while). But I have taken myself off of Avonex.
Yep, you read right. Me and my husband figured (Mostly me) that I was having too bad a reactions to my injections. And just coming off of a major surgery, my body needed some time to heal and with these adverse reaction days after thee injection…that was just not going to happen.
So far so good and my first Monday night without my injection was grand…I slept all the way through, it was pure bliss I tell you.
I hope you have a good time with your company.
It’s me Red.
That is probably a good idea, I am curious to hear how it goes for you. Are you planning to stay off of it for good? I am going to cut back a bit on my dilantin as I think the seizures seem to have passed. And as the neurologist I say for the second opinion says, I can always go bck to the full dose.
Well good luck with the recovery and I am really glad to hear about a blissful night’s sleep! That probably does more good for you and your re-coop than anything.
Take care.