Today I am going to turn our garden, so I figure I should conserve as much energy as possible for that. As much as I would love to run today as the weather is my kind of running weather, cool and possible rain. Fortunately it is also good (for me) working in the garden weather. Yesterday I pulled so weeds out there and I noticed that I was getting some head rushes as I stretched to reach some far away from the edge of the bed weeds, reminded me of the seizures but I don’t think they were related. I have experienced these a lot in my pre-ms life (or is it?) especially when bending over and exerting myself. I really think it is another of those life-is-normal things that mirrors ms symptoms. Seems like there are so many of those as I try to look at my body and understand what is going on.
So my future running plan is to get up early tomorrow (hopefully I won’t be too sore from the gardening) and head out for 6-8 miles. We’ll see if I really do it.