Today I did another round of third run in a row. I decided to sort of cut it short by a couple miles, as that was what my body was saying to me. Perhaps my body was wanting its rebif which I had forgotten to take last night (first time I have missed it since starting) but I seriously doubt that. So my revised rebif schedule was late this morning and I think I will do the next injection either Saturday or I may just stay on schedule and do it Friday night, we’ll see.
So the run today went very well despite me cutting a couple of miles off of it. I didn’t keep a very fast pace, but I am ok with that. The morning was cool, but warmer than the last couple of days. The other day I even needed to start out with the traditional Portland layered approach for the start (I think that was my half-marathon run.) Fall isn’t here yet! I tried another little add-on that I am going to start doing. Reed has been building a new bridge across the canyon from their new dorms (that they destroyed a beautiful community garden bu building atop it, grrr. Then again it is their land) to the main campus. So I crossed the canyon on the old bridge so I could recross on the new one. They did a really nice job with it curving it around old growth trees. I saw one of the constructions workers by the entrance to the bridge and told him so. So Even with that add-on I still managed to cut miles off my run.