Unexpected break

Yesterday was the first time I had run in six days, not the best time for a break considering that I have my first race of the season coming up. I was in Seattle this weekend so I knew I wouldn’t be running Fri-Sun, then for some reason I didn’t run the two days before. To make things worse I drank way too much beer in Seattle (as well as milk in lattes, animals, perfume on the train and seasonal allergies) which all contributed to a major allergy break out. I have been sneezing and blowing my nose since Sunday. Ugh.

So yesterday I ran eight miles relatively slowly. My lungs were a bit congested from all the allergy crud, but it went well. Getting out and running seems to help with the allergies a bit. I think getting away from the animals and their dander helps too. Even though I feel somewhat worse today, I think I will try to get out and do another one today.

My plan for the week is to not overdo it before the 15K Shamrock Run on Sunday. I want to get my head clear before Sunday, but I am pretty worried about being able to do so. I am hoping to get at least three runs in before the race, but I don’t want any of them to be longer than six miles with maybe some speed work included. It really sucks to have worked so hard to get into racing shape and then just let it go a week before my first race. Oh well, I am not all that concerned about this one and plan to “run through it” and treat it like just another run.

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