Today I ran a long run after taking three days off. It was a perfect running day, cool but not cold, lite rain and lots of energy. Well I did fortify with a caffeine infused gel so maybe the energy really wasn’t mine. Good nine miles plus in an hour and eighteen, not a fast pace, but not totally slow either. When I cam home is when I really burned myself out. I raked leaves which I have been neglecting, cleaned out the bird’s pools and huts and wrapped up hoses. By the time I finished I was done and just in time to take a shower and lay down to watch the second half of the Oregon game. They blew it, I felt like they felt just like me!
On another sport note, Channing Frye of our Blazers does a lot of community work in Portland. I have always had great respect for him for doing that. The other day I found out he also does work for the MS Society of Oregon. My respect has selfishly gone up even further! Here is his site I really hope the Blazers can find room for Channing, he is a great guy.
I am glad you are getting back your groove in the running world. I am still my slow but steady walker.
My next post-op visit is this coming Wednesday, so look for a post about what the docs will or will not let me do.
Good luck, I’ll be thinking of you.