I haven’t been running since Wednesday as I have a new (for me) running injury, at least I think it is a running injury. I appear to have pulled my abductor muscle on my right side. The abductor is the large muscle on the inside of your thigh. I say “appear” as this is the same area I had just done my injection in which hurt to do, so maybe I got it in the muscle? I have been resting it since last week and not running. I have also iced it a little. It feels a lot better, but if it is injection related, then maybe that is healing. Either way I think I will try running tomorrow. I should do a short run but I bet I will try to push it. We’ll see.
I had a real site reaction on Friday where the injection site swelled up and hurt for about an hour. It wasn’t that big of a deal. It seems a bit odd to me that so much attention is given to site reactions. I guess it is because it is weird and unexpected and might scare someone. The reality of it (at least for me) is that it wasn’t a big deal.
Good thngs the ice, and I have another suggestion. Ice our injection site. And I am talking before your injection. See if that gives you any relief.
Good luck!