Running in the cold

It is so hard to run in the cold. It’s not bad at all once I get going, it is the “getting going” part that I have trouble with. I often find myself over-layering up. Feels fine (or less cold) when I am starting, but soon I am stripping layers off and tying them around my waist. This isn’t such a huge deal and the least of my problems with cold weather running. With a little planning on a layering strategy it becomes a piece of cake. Sometimes it is hard to know what layers should go where, but usually I find that layering my running jacket as the first to come off is a pretty good idea. The water-resistant material gives me a nice insulating layer that traps my body heat in pretty well. So when I am starting to warm up taking that off makes a refreshing difference. I also find my self occasionally layering my gloves. I use a liner material glove on the inside and a wind-resistant pair on the outside. Its actually not too often I do this and in Portland I find myself removing this pretty quickly (which is also refreshing!) Even taking off a single pair of gloves can have a positive effect on my runs. The again so can leaving them on!

My typical layering strategy for the top of my body is a running tech shirt as my base. I have a tight long sleeve shirt that works really well for a base layer. This I follow with a warmer/thicker shirt and sometimes even a second one if it is really cold out. Finally I add my jacket which (as I said already) really keeps in the body warmth. I usually tie removed layers around my waist, I have done this with more than one top on occasion, but usually I have one ties this way. This sometimes requiers an adjustment of my headphone cord (I like to keep it under a shirt to keep it out of the way) and ipod (I sometimes will have to slip it under the next layer). But I also find that I get lazy and just wrap the cord with my tied sleeves.

For my head I’ll wear a bandanna and a hat or sometimes a balaklava. The balaklava gets really hot, but I find that I can roll it up and get some air in on my neck and face which helps to regulate heat a bit. And you get the added benefit of looking like a super-hero!

For my lower I usually wear a pair of basic cotton tights over compression shorts then top this off with a pair of running shorts. I know I would benefit from paying a bit more for better tights, but I sweat so much in them I’d rather have multiple pairs of cotton ones (maybe I wouldn’t sweat so much if I had wicking tights…) I have to draw a gear line somewhere! I still like to wear ankle socks and often will have my ankles exposed to the cold, doesn’t seem to bother me much and I think it also helps to regulate my temp a bit. Some people like to wear the leg warmers (wait, am I still in the 80s?) which are actually compression leggings, but I pass on that.

I have thought about getting a pair of those slip-on snow cleats as well, but if there is snow on the ground I am usually indoors, so maybe I am better served saving my money. Still a pair would probably be good just for general walking on snow days. Hmmm.

I find myself keeping a real sharp eye out for ice in the winter too. Usually it is not too bad, I am going slow enough to avoid any sneaky black ice. But there are times, especially at the end of runs where I will space ut a bit and forget I need to be careful. Fortunately, these are few and far between.

Running in the cold

In my effort of get back into regular running, I decided I needed to go early to make sure I actually did my run. I didn’t want a repeat of yesterday where I didn’t run right off the bat and figured I just go later when I got around to it. Well I never got around to it. So out of bed and into running duds seemed to be what I needed to do, and it worked.

Adding an extra challenge to the run was the temperature. It was really cold, in the 30s. Wasn’t quite freezing, but it sure felt close. I wore my heavy running shirt and my running jacket, gloves and tights, bandanna and hat. And I was still freezing, especially my hands. Oddly when I put on my jacket I felt some lumps in the pockets. I reached in and found my shell gloves that I wore the other day in the rain. I left them on the counter and regretted that moments into my run. I could have used the extra layer on my hands.

My feet were also really cold, though fortunately they were and remained throughout the run, dry. The problem was that they felt really stiff in my shoes and started to get really uncomfortable. Maybe my feet swell a bit in the cold as well. Not really sure, but they suffered through most of the run.

In addition to the rain, the cold and lack of light, I realized another negative factor facing the Portland runner: fireplace smoke. Pretty much throughout my entire run I smelled fires. At times it was thick enough to make me cough. Ridiculous! At least its not as bad as burning garbage which I often smell in my neighborhood. Crimony, isn’t this a city we live in? Fireplace smoke I can understand to a certain degree. I really can’t see how the city can maintain air quality with it going on though. Of course people would scream bloody murder if the guv-a-munt tried to take away their fires!

So much for 40

My goal was to hit 40 miles this week, making the sixth week in a row I have been able to increase my miles by 10%. My total this week was closer to the average temperature over the last six days, and it was freakin’ cold. So cold that I decided to pass running all week until today. It was actually sort of nice to have a break. I guess I’ll be well rested for an increase this week. Last year I ran through some really cold days and I did a few this year also. But I did notice that I was much more wimpy about the cold this year.

Today I managed to brave the cold (it was supposed to be warmer and it was, but the wind kicked up) and go for a base run. It felt really good to run again, after six days of nothing I was going a bit stir crazy. Its weird the depression that you can find yourself in with no exercise. I feel sluggish, fat, like I am eating all wrong. Of course I am gonna celebrate tonight and eat like crap (kettle corn and basketball), so I guess I can still feel that way. But its a good feeling to break the string of no runs.