In my effort to do my base runs under 10 min mile pace, I picked up my pace for my ending uphills through Reed and on to Woodstock, 2 miles in all. I did faster than eights to make sure I averaged under ten. Turned out my math was off and I did 9.5, made me happy. I’m pretty pooped tonight, pasta dinner and I have nothing else to do other than lay in bed and watch basketball. I’m sure I’ll get some stretching in too though.
Rotating my new shoes is going really well so far. Both pairs feel really stable and I am getting a good mind-strike with them. They are starting to get a worn-in look. Hopefully they don’t look like resolution shoes anymore. I still have been having foot issues like pain and spasticity, but I guess overall it isn’t too bad. I’d love to find the miracle shoe, but I don’t think it is out there.
Oh today I actually wore shorts without tights for the first time in months. It was nice to get my legs out in the sunlight! I started taking vit D again, not for any other reason other than I should. I wonder how much good the 1000 mg(?) caplets I take actually do for me? I saw some massive dose wafers for sale, the 50000 mg(again I am not sure what they are) really expensive (I thought) at four wavers for $20.
I watched an interesting parkour movie called Beyond the Brink. Daniel Ibaca was really pretty amazing, but kind of a jerk too You can see a trailer here.